Friday, August 20, 2010

My teenage son wears just the regular rubber band on both arms what does this means?

I just want to know what does this means by him wearing these rubber bandsMy teenage son wears just the regular rubber band on both arms what does this means?
i can say that it is a new trend, as ive seen many younglings wearing it, but idk waht it means.

I think it's proly some emo new wave thing that is meant to mock the yellow, pink, blue, all kinds of rubber bands that people spend 10 dollars on.

Kind of like an ironic statement on how people spend money on things that are supposed to mean something... while ';the cool kids'; mock it by wearing things that are found on the ground, but made of the same material.

You should be happy - your son had a brain and a sense of humor.My teenage son wears just the regular rubber band on both arms what does this means?
... Did you think that ment he was gay? By putting the Q in Gay Cat.

They're really popular, they have things on them, some support ';Make poverty history'; some say '; Love Jesus'; They can basically say anything, does your son's say nything?
Nothing, i don't think. -I'm a teenager and I've never heard of it (which is to say i don't think it is a new 'trend')

It doesn't mean anything.

It is kind of offensive/stereotypical to post this in the LGBT section.
I'm not 'up' on the latest trends and signals, but your question amused me slightly, so I had to throw in a little levity:

Maybe he likes the sensation of having both arms asleep.....
maybe he just likes to wear rubber bands...
Maybe it's so that he can shoot people or his friends with it...
Hahahahaha uhhh i'm a teenger and wear a lot of rubber bands but ive never heard of that being a style...maybe he just like wearing those rubber bands...

O and if it had anything to do with being gay he would wear the rainbow rubber bands
  • scars
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