Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who is Hanna Montana ? Is she a singer / teenage idol / on TV / pop princess / kiddies shows ? What ?

I live in Australia and have occasionally heard the name mentioned by younger kids. Whats all the fuss about ? how come we haven't heard more about her on the international scene ?Who is Hanna Montana ? Is she a singer / teenage idol / on TV / pop princess / kiddies shows ? What ?
I'm not a fan of her or I trying to protect her, but she is a singer/actress. And lots of people dont like her singing,but just because she is a bad singer and took suprised photos, doesnt mean we have to hate her. Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus loves singing. She enjoys it, and she wants to do it till she's old. Its her dream and people hate her for that? I am not a fan of her singing and voice, but we all dont have to hate her.

I know after reading this, I will get many thumbs down.Who is Hanna Montana ? Is she a singer / teenage idol / on TV / pop princess / kiddies shows ? What ?
I was confused at first myself seeing two names Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus. I thought they were two different girls. Apparently not. She is a fifteen year old that sings and has her own show on the Disney Channel. She has in some regards become a teen celebrity. I saw the show once and was not really impressed. I have seen better teen shows to be honest.
Hannah Monata is a show on Disney Channel.

about a teen pop star.

She sings and she is played by Miley Cyrus the biggest SLU* in the world.

She is annoying ughhh,

shes an idol to little kids but thay should find out who she really is.
pop princess and has her own show.. shes really cute! but mostly people hate her cuzz shes really pretty! and people are jealus of her.. and also her dad is famouse as well his name is billy ray and also his son is fasmouse too he has his own band called metro station
shes basically everything you said

shes miley cyrus shes the star of a disney show hannah montana and she does concerts and whatnot

shes basically THE teen idol
She's a pop sensation on a TV show called ';Hannah Montana';. The girl playing her is Miley Cyrus. I think you may know who she is. Anyways, she's awesome. (I mean Miley, not Hannah.)
Hannah Montana is a TV show on the Disney Channel...

Miley Cyrus plays Hannah Montana on TV.

She IS a singer and actress.

She is really cool too!
She is just like Hilary Duff

Miley Cyrus (who plays Hanna Montana) is one of those child stars who's life is going to go down the drain.
yeah she is a 15 year old, that sings and has her own TV show on Disney channel! she is really popular with little kids, but most teens hate her, and are annoyed!
hate her

hate her voice

hate how she thinks shes cool which shes not

shes nobody
She's a character on a tv show.
She is a slut,that's for sure..
Yeah she is one word: ANNOYING!

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