Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can teenage girls loose stomache fat?

how can you loose your little tummy pouch without doing crazy crash dieting.How can teenage girls loose stomache fat?
Cardio, cardio, cardio!

Buy a few Jillian Michaels DVD's. She's the trainer on the Biggest Loser and she is TOUGH. I recommend the 30 Day Shred. I guarantee you that you'll lose at least 5-10 pounds by the end of the first month.

Check it out. :)How can teenage girls loose stomache fat?
4 Cardio Workouts to Flatten Stomach

One of the best ways to lose stomach fat is to do cardio workouts. Indeed, cardio can burn a lot of flab, but not all cardio is made equal and the way you do your workout has a huge effect over the kind of results you may expect. To put it bluntly, a lot of people waste hours doing cardio and get very little results. If you follow the tricks in this article, you will do much better.

Here are 4 cardio workout tricks to lose belly fat

acai bery is a good start, because it provides many natural nutrients. you will have to work out not just eat or just exercise.

any doctor will tell you, the body builds what it needs all else discarded. fat won't discard, the cells will contract. if one goes to binging, the cells will expand again.( why people try to get it removedbu surgery)

a successful method is P90x, challeging the body to build muscle. while building the body will require more than normal foods use complex carbs, some fats, proteins. . but you can monitor and follow a eating program that will determine foods and the results. don't just buy that hormones will defeat you no matter what. change is well within the ability of the body! don't quit
Bikram Yoga exercise program, works wonders.

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