Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's something you remember the most about your teenage years?

My teenage years were total nonsense.What's something you remember the most about your teenage years?
TY for best answer.

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What's something you remember the most about your teenage years?
the funny thing is,whenever you got to do something that you though was a defining moment,that you couldn't possibly beat,er you did
16 and falling in love for the first time - he was 22 and doing research at Bristol University. Such a beautiful young man.
Being Broken Hearted and it lasting soooo long...... ohh wait i still am a teen and still broken hearted!
I still am lol so I remember alot hahaha
Riding my first motorbike.
Being part of the Teen Titans! ;)
im still a teenager. :)
i was a boy and still am.....
  • scars
  • pink blush
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