Guess they are really vital parts of our highly pressured lives?Why are there so few questions about vehicle safety, teenage problems, public transportation, education,etc?
1. Vehicle safety - With current ERP rates, who would want to pay more.
2. Teenage Problems - Is it teenage problems or PARENTS problems or an overall SINGAPOREAN problem...who knows.
3. Public Transportation - Better services = higher fares
4. Educations - Tell you this. Lots of primary schools are promoting internet learning but don't let younger student use the school computers. Guess what! ANY singapore family own a computer with hi-speed internet access but not EVERY.
Ones should always practise how to shut up for a better life as they are raise to do and not making complaints everyday thus making life for others miserable.Why are there so few questions about vehicle safety, teenage problems, public transportation, education,etc?
i think singaporean do not have much time to ask these question... too busy with work, family, education, transport....
by the way, the government decided everything, that no one can make a change about it... so.. no discussion needed....
cause the risk is a part of our inevitable.
Cos you are in Travel section....
Try others!! Might be of some interest
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