Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What is your take on teenage pregnancy? Is there anything we can do to stop/prevent so many of them?

The reasons that teenagers get pregnant may run deeper than just the need to have sex. Honestly, most teenage girls don't enjoy sex on the same level that the boys do. So what's the deal.

Some are craving love and attention so badly they will do anything to get it. Starting with the attention at home. There are so many senarios. To many to even go into. But if for whatever reason, the love and attention they need isn't there , the quest will go on and they will search and find them selves in places and situations they they can not return from.

For others, especially those who have been sexually abused, they have been taught that the only way they will be anything is with there legs open.

For others, they are uneducated, and it's so hard to believe that this day in age, our kids don't know about birth control.

And for other, they are victims of what they're parents think about birthcontrol.

As for the boys, Most, not all dont really look that far into the future to give a damn one way or the other.

Realistically, until what is broken in our girls is fixed, NO, there will be no end to teenage pregnancy. The disease is in mind and heart and soul, and our girls are trying to self medicate by sticking a needle between the legs.

But then it's there parents, and there physical, mental, emtional, and sexual abusers who have to be stopped..HOW DO WE |DO THAT!!!!

AND FOR THE RECORD. I HAD MY FIRST CHILD AT 16!!! i HAD MY SECOND AT 28!!What is your take on teenage pregnancy? Is there anything we can do to stop/prevent so many of them?
school uniforms. wear clothes that don't show pubic area, too many temptations at schoolWhat is your take on teenage pregnancy? Is there anything we can do to stop/prevent so many of them?
Hmmm answered this one way, but I think I am going to reverse myself.

Lets see. My Mother was 18 when I was born.... she had been married for 3 years. My grandmother was 14 when my mother was born, she had been married for a year. My Grandmother was the 3rd child and her mother was 17 when she was born.... and all were born in wedlock.

Teenagers have been getting married and getting pregnant since the begining of recorded history. However currently we have laws that say you cannot marry a child..... the person that wrote that's mother was more than likely a child when they were conceived.

It is not teen pregnancy that is the problem, the problem is that society has turned what was once considered normal into a crime. If every teen pregnancy in the world was the result of a married couple having given themselves a few years to settle deciding that they wanted to have a child..... would teen pregnancy be a problem??
Why should we stop or prevent them? it is not nessisarly a bad thing.
Here is a site with statistics. It is alarming.

Parents need to take responsibility and do more. Don't rely upon the government to raise children.
Keep these ypunge girls off the street and have some control or practice safe sex!!
I think people are dumb in this generation! We are the future generation! And then there is the next generation! And if we do not stop will become a normal part of life to see a pregnant sixteen year old everywhere you go! I don't understand why so many people can't wait until they are at least married!
its their decision you cannot control them leave them be i had my son at 19 hes the most wonderful thing in the whole world and the best thing to ever happen to me me and my husband are still together and we are expecting our second it was not an accident that we got pregnanty the first time we wanted that everyone assumes we didn't if these girls really didn't want to get pregnant they wouldn't they would take all the precautions nessesary but they don't i know lots of girls who have been having sex since they were 15 or 16 and have never been pregnant
Inform them on safe sex. If you tell a teenager not to do something they are going to do it. let them know that if they are going to have sex to protect themselves because they can become pregnant, get an STD or AIDS.
We could just have mandatory contraceptives for everybody up to a certain age.
If everybody put their daughters on the pill when they turned 13 that might help, but then again......
Actually somethings have been done. Teen pregnancy is down form ten years ago. Key is simple to reducing this its parents! Parents need to communicate with their children. Always have that door open to talk and NEVER be too busy. Parents who neglect their children and leave them be get unpleasant surprises
hav u ever heard of a ****** condom?
Sure. Teens can simply STOP doing the wild thing under the bleachers or in the back seat, LOL! But since all the preaching, abstinence oaths and screaming at by parents always fails to stop it, I guess the only solution is to hand out condoms like they do in Europe and in other enlightened countries. And do our best to help girls when a pregnancy occurs. Its very interesting that in the Netherlands, which has a red light district and is very open about sex, the out of wedlock pregnancy per capita is MUCH LOWER than in the US. The churches need to butt out, and Americans need to get a clue that shame and blame can't inhibit natural human behavior.
Where you never a teenager?? Tell your kid how to practice birth control. That is your best defense. The hell with guilt and religion. They will only rebel. Be honest about sex. Don't be afraid to talk about it.
The Parents need to talk to there kids at teenage years let them know dont beat around the bush and tell them about the bird%26amp; bees going into them and telling them the truth tellin them if they feel like they want to have sex have the bcp there for her and condoms there for her... JUST PARENTS TELLING THEM THE TRUTH HAVING THERE PARENTS THERE WHEN THEY NEED TO TALK.....
It's horrible and not only does it make them look bad, it makes others look bad as well such as their parents, peers, and pretty much the rest of their country because our government takes care of them even though they blew it and got pregnant before they were even able to live on their own.
while some are truly accidents, I believe most are just ill informed unsupervised kids. We need to teach more in school and parents need to take responsibility to educate their children. My mom always talked to us and I knew what was going on. I hope I can do the same with my kids. And this crap about if you talk to kids, they will go out and do it...Hello the ones that are going to do it, are going to do it whether you talk to them or not, lets give them some information!!!!
stop talking about it. i think that alone makes them more curious about it. one day they'l learn .
We can pray and hope they make the right decision but this isn't all. Open the trust between parent and teen. Inform them of all birth control. tell them and show them what could happen if they make the wrong decision . The out come may help them see how difficult it is to raise a child still being a child.
i think it all starts at home if the parent don't talk to there teenagers at a early age then they just listen to what they hear in the streets.
These days, there are 9 year olds having sex! its insane but its going to happen no matter what anyone tries to do. I think condoms should be more available to middle and high school students. Teach abstinence AND safe sex.

Oh and I'd also like to add that the pill clears up acne and I bet a lot of younger kids would love that lol
1. Keep young girls away from alcohol

2. Teach them self esteem that is strong enough to withstand peer pressure.

Easy to say, very hard to do.
Love your children, have a relationship with your children, know where your children are ....lets face it after 10 pm there aint nothing for them to do but drink and have sex....There is alot of pressures for kids today to have sex and we find more and more younger girls dating way older guys...parents need to step up....and start parenting
The best way is EDUCATION! If they want to have sex, they are going to do it. The only thing we can do is educate them and be understanding. Have ';the talk'; with them, tell them that they can come to you if they have questions or concerns or just want to talk. Maybe even give them a condom! just educate!
Education. Telling kids that they will go to hell if they even broach the subject of sex does not slow things down. Kids need education on how and why pregnancy happens. That is the key to teaching them how to and how important it is to avoid it.
I think that there is no way that a teenager is responsible enough or emotionally ready to be a parent.

I think the best way to keep them from having babies is to let them babysit all 6 of mine lol. Trust me there is no way they would even have sex again after that.
Face it. Nothing is ever going to STOP teen pregnancy. There are many types of birth control out there that can be used. But they do NOT always work. It says right on the packaging that it is only like 99% effective. I have 2 daughters and both were concieved while I was on birth control. My oldets was concieved on the patch and my youngest was concieved while I was on the Nuva ring. Not to mention the 2 miscarriages that have occured; the first while using condoms the second while I was on the mirena (iud). There is NEVER going to be a time that teen pregnancies don't exists. Parents can talk to their kids, put them on birth contrl, etc and all that will do is lessen the risks.
a 4-letter word gets teens pregnant and a 4-letter word prevents it: I won't tell you the first answer but I can tell you the second:

nope teenagers are horny little buggers they are!

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