Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Have you ever felt that you were smarter when you were in teenage and childhood age than now?

that you were able to formulate ideas better than what you can do now?Have you ever felt that you were smarter when you were in teenage and childhood age than now?
I had a sharper mind when I was younger, but I just didn't use it the way I should have. I think brains are like muscles, though. The more you use them, the stronger they get, even when you're older.

When I was a teenager, I didn't care too much about anything important, so I didn't apply my mind to studying, etc. It's when I got into my 20s that I began to think about the consequences of my actions and how the choices I made in the present would affect the future. It's called maturity. Don't get me wrong, I still have a long way to go as far as maturity goes!Have you ever felt that you were smarter when you were in teenage and childhood age than now?
Absolutely not..but it may take me a little longer now because I think about them first rather than just spout out the random thoughts.
i thought i was really smart when i was in my teens. but now i know we never are really smart, we only think we are. the truth is we don't know anything about the world and even about ourselves. unfortunately you see it especially clearly when you're depressed..
I'm not sure if I was smarter when I was a teenager than now... but I know for a fact that my teenagers are smarter than I am... just ask either one!
Especially when all those bong hits and Mickey's 40s from 16-23 catch up to your brain like a SOB.

One thing I know for sure: I would read many more books than I do now, and I could concentrate better on what I was reading.

It's almost like I have some type of ADD now.
Zalem, I've always been stupid.
i think, as a teenager...we were less smart....decisions were easier b/c we were more carefree or careless...everything seemed right %26amp; basically we had no one really to answer too or didnt care what others thought!

As adults...we sense consequences causing us to think twice %26amp; think how it effects us or the other person; thats what makes us ';smarter'; now b/c we can differentiate b/t the two.
Yes! About every day! lol...seriously, though..I am 39 and I have taken different courses at a local community college and I do find that it is so much harder to concentrate and retain information that I am trying to learn than it was when I was younger and in elementary and high school. I know that when we are in school we exercise our brains on a regular basis. I have heard that it's just like exercising an muscle..when you use it all the time it's stronger...and then if you don't it becomes weaker. Makes sense..and then you add all the stresses and worries that most adults have that we didn't have as children and it makes even more sense. I've also read that we should continue exercising our brains by doing crossword puzzles and other projects that require thinking and it's supposed to help prevent certain diseases like Alzheimers. But, yes I do feel that when I was a teenager and even younger, I was able to retain what I read and heard better..and process the information alot faster opposed to now when I can read the same sentence over and over sometimes and don't have a clue what I just read.
no im fairly smart nowadays
When I get there, I will tell you. lol I know now it is easy to think, but when I have all the responsibilities of an adult on my shoulders.......well, we'll have to see.
Absolutely. I remember way back in the Roarin' 80's when I read everything in sight, knew long division, and was a kickball champion.

Then again the doctor says I have Alzheimer's, so these memories may be false. ;-)

The worst part for me is that my short-term memory is near-kaput. Migraines took that right away from me. It's difficult to explain to someone why you don't remember what you did two days ago. I have migraines less frequently now (they began in my late 20s) but they've done their damage.

Then again, I think the doctor said I had Alzheimer's (or was that the lawyer?), so these memories may be... what were we talking about again?
Interesting question:) When I was younger and a teenager, I know I FELT smarter than I do now. Like I had everything going for me, and figured out, but actually I was not smarter at all.:)
Yeah, when I was a child I was smarter.
the older I get, the more mushy my brain feels.

lol@semper fi
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